sIT 2016

Copyright © 2016, SIT-Orga 2016

The studentischen Informatiktage (sIT2016) take place in Göttingen between friday, 20th May and sunday, 22th May.

This year we've invited representatives of the companies Polyas, Deriva GmbH, Host Europe and Aicon.

At saturday there will be a crochet ("threading") workshop. Participants will learn the basics in order to create custom items. But beware, do not die during the running murderer.js game.

Sunday there will be some stuff for real programmers and beginners too. You can take part in a programming challenge and even win a price.

We wish you all lots of fun!

  1. Friday, 05/20/2016
  2. Greeting 3:00 PM 3:15 PM

    Welcome to the sIT 2016

    Online voting 3:15 PM 3:55 PM

    Deriva 4:15 PM 4:55 PM

    Host Europe 5:00 PM 5:45 PM

    AICON 6:00 PM 6:30 PM

    Efficient and high-precision production monitoring, quality control, inspection and reliable reverse engineering are absolutely essential to be competitive in a global market. In the field of measuring technology and beyond, optical and portable non-contact 3D measuring systems become more and more important. AICON 3D systems offers optimized solutions around industrial inspection and digitizing tasks to keep the quality of products always at the maximum level.

    Introduction of the Threading Workshop 6:45 PM 7:15 PM

    Jeopardy 7:15 PM 8:00 PM

    Social Events 8:00 PM

    BBQ, key-signing and more
  3. Saturday, 05/21/2016
  4. murderer.js 1:00 PM 1:50 PM

    Insights into a social interaction game backed by a node.js webserver. murderer.js is a hybrid game that connects real interaction with a web-service.
    The project began during the O-Phase 2015 and continued as a neat hobby of mine. A live demo including the rules can be viewed at The source code is publicly available on Github.
    The presentation will consist of an introduction into the game concept and various aspects of the development process.
    To demonstrate the fun of the game, we will start a round that will accompany the remaining progress of the sIT2016.

    Raspberry Pi and ADC 2:00 PM 2:50 PM

    The talk is about capturing signals from the surrounding analog world with a Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a small computer based on one platine that has a broadcom chipset and is equipped with an ARM-Processor. Given the right operating system it can be used like any other personal computer - to browse the web, watch videos, listen to music or edit text or code. To achieve this peripheral components can be connected via USB, HDMI or via ethernet over an RJ45 socket. This for a total energy intake of five watts. But the most special thing about the Raspberry Pi are the additional pins it's providing. Namely up to 40 GPIO - ``General Purpose Input/ Output`` - Pins. They work with digital signals and using appropriate drivers for communication via special protocols - such as I2C or SPI - they are able to communicate with other microprocessor based systems. A thing the strong Raspberry Pi is missing though is the ability to capture signals from the surrounding analog world - such as the state of a connected potentiometer or other sensors. How to achieve this by few and easy means is what this talk is about.

    "Hope is not a Strategy" - Site Reliability Engineering at Google 3:00 PM 3:50 PM

    Systemd - boon or bane? 4:00 PM 4:50 PM

    An introduction to Systemd with discussion.

    Introduction to Programming Contests 5:00 PM 5:50 PM

    Jeopardy 6:00 PM 6:45 PM

    4 month in the biggest city on earth: A tale of experiences and encounters during an Internship in Tokyo 7:00 PM 7:50 PM

    I just spend four month in Tokyo during an internship programm at the National Institute of Informatics. And I am pretty sure that most of you have already heard stories about Tokyo, ranging from totally crazy (e.g. the rush hour in tokyo) to mindblowingly amazing (yes, I am talking about the food ;-)). In this "talk", that is not really a talk, I will share some of my experiences in Tokyo with you while enjoying some form of slideshow of pictures I obtained during my time here, hopefully providing a relaxing conclusion to a day of talks before heading out to the social event. Oh, and there will also be samples of Japanese sweets and sake ;-)

    Social Events 8:00 PM

    BBQ, key-signing and more
  5. Sunday, 05/22/2016
  6. Results of the Threading Workshop 2:00 PM 3:00 PM

    Come and see the results of our threading workshop

    Programming Challenge of sIT16 3:00 PM

    Take part at the programming challenge!

    Social Events 8:00 PM

    BBQ, key-signing and more

Threading Workshop

Häkeln lernen für Einsteiger.
Es werden die Grundlagen des Häkelns erläutert, sodass eigene Werke mit Nadel und Faden erschaffen werden können. Die traditionelle Art von Threads.
Ob Maskottchen, Handysocken, Stulpen oder USB-Sticksocken, hier kann sich jeder ein persönliches Häkelwerk erschaffen.