sIT 2017

Copyright © 2017, SIT-Orga 2017

For the 14th time the studentischen Informatiktage (sIT2017) take place in Göttingen between friday, 19th May and sunday, 21th May. This years general topic will be Virtual Reality.

Since it's been received well last year, on sunday there will be a programming challenge once more. We encourage experienced programmers as well as beginners to participate. Of course there will be some prices.

We wish you all lots of fun!

Virtual Reality, short "VR", has become a buzzword in the past few years. Probably most of you already heard of it but never tried a VR-haedset on. We want to give you that oportunity. Besides we will show with the haedsets and in VR-related talks, what's behind VR apart from those bulky "glasses", that you have to wear.

  1. Friday, 05/19/2017
  2. Greeting 3:30 PM 3:45 PM

    Welcome to the sIT 2017

    Industrie 4.0 geht jeden etwas an! 4:00 PM 4:45 PM

    Digitalisierung einer Fabrik bzw. Prozessanlage zur "Smart Factory" bzw. "Smart Plant". Digitalisierung eines Produktes zum "Smart Product". Die Königsdisziplin: Neue Geschäftsmodelle auf Basis von Daten-Diensten schaffen. Schritt für Schritt zur branchenübergreifenden Digitalisierung der Wertschöpfungsketten
    Prof. Dr. Dieter Wegener ist ebenfalls erreichbar unter: Telefon: +4989636-632140 Fax: +498963613632-140 Mobil: +491732512980

    Highly Automated Driving - Current Activities & Further Challenges - 5:00 PM 6:30 PM

    Developments regarding driver assistant systems, in the scope of highly automated driving, has gained significant process during the last years. Currently, this is the most active field of research and development in the automotive industry. The IAV GmbH has worked in this domain since decades. During the last months, the IAV GmbH has driven more than 150.000 km in the highly automated on highways in Germany, France and USA with their vehicle prototypes, which are used for the evaluation of new automation concepts. Moreover, the IAV GmbH uses their automation algorithms in several customer projects – for OEMs, suppliers and component manufacturers. The actual presentation starts with a short introduction of the IAV GmbH with focus on the current field of activities and key facts about the company. Additionally, an overview of the current portfolio of the IAV GmbH in the field of highly automated driving will be given by presenting the latest IAV GmbH Show Cases on well-known conventions. Thereafter, the development workflow of the IAV GmbH will be presented to create new software modules for the highly automated driving framework. It will be discussed also, in which way the classical development process, described by the V-Model combined with Rapid Controller Prototyping process, is applicable in the daily business and how it has to be modified to answer the challenges in the quite agile daily project routine. The main part of the presentation focusses on the software framework, which is used to realize the highly automated driving functionality. The framework can handle functionalities in high-speed scenarios (like ACC, lane keeping and active lane change) as well as low-speed scenarios (like paring assist). The main goal of this part of the presentation is to give an overview of the modular system architecture. Moreover, the basic functionality of the core components of the automation system will be presented. These core components are including environment perception, object and lane fusion, decision-making and trajectory planning and follow up control functionalities. The follow-up control concept in order to realize a high performant lateral and longitudinal vehicle dynamic will be explained in detail. Here, the control engineering basics will be enriched by using several practical experiences from the daily business of the development engineers. Current technical trends as well as actual technical challenges for the next generation of driver assistant systems will be presented parallel to all previous mentioned technical topics. We welcome all interested persons!

    WebVR 6:30 PM 7:15 PM

    Grundlagen Computergrafik: Rendering Pipeline, OpenGL, Szenegraph, Tranformationsmatrizen und Anwendung im Web mit WebGL, WebVR und Three.js

    Jeopardy 7:30 PM 8:15 PM

    Social Events 8:00 PM

    BBQ, key-signing and more
  3. Saturday, 05/20/2017
  4. Graph Theory and Game of Thrones 1:00 PM 1:45 PM

    You might have already read many articles about various statistics in Game of Thrones and speculations of who is going to die next in the story. Here is another one, based on graph theory. In the following research I’m not using the TV show rather it will be based on the main source - the first 5 books of epic fantasy novels of George R. R. Martin, “A Song of Ice and Fire” (ASOIAF). But well, don’t be disappointed if you only watch TV shows, they intersect a lot and hopefully the show will continue to take advises from the author. I have used the most popular algorithms in the Graph Theory to find out some interesting statistics and predict most popular and vulnerable characters in the whole story.

    CHICKEN: History of an Open-Source programming language project 2:00 PM 2:45 PM

    This talk is a description of CHICKEN, an open-source Scheme->C compiler, in the words of its author. Both the architecture will be explained and the history of the project - how it started and how it changed shape over the years.

    Wo stehen wir wirklich mit Augmented und Virtual Reality? 3:00 PM 3:45 PM

    Im Vortrag gebe ich einen groben Überblick, was Augmented und Virtual Reality ist und kläre über ein paar wichtige Begriffe auf, die oft falsch verwendet werden. Danach zeige ich diverse bereits heute praktizierte Anwendungsbereiche und gehe auch auf ein paar Ideen für die Zukunft ein.

    Funktionale Konzepte in imperativen Programmiersprachen 4:00 PM 4:45 PM

    Der Vortrag gibt einen Überblick über funktionale Konzepte, die zunehmend auch außerhalb der funktionalen Programmierung Verwendung finden. So hielten etwa mit Java 8 Lambda Expressions Einzug in die Sprache. Anhand von Beispielen werden Funktion, Verwendung und Nutzen solcher Konzepte vorgeführt.

    Clean Software Repositories 5:00 PM 5:45 PM

    Platforms like a wiki, an issue tracker, merge requests, CI pipelines and pages are essential features of software repository UIs nowadays. Within this talk I'd like to share some experiences regarding best practices for the repository itself and some of the bundled platforms. The focus will be on platform independent features, a few specific features may only be available for GitLab thought.

    Websecurity for N00bs 6:00 PM 6:45 PM

    The presentation will inform about the danger of cross site scripting (XSS) in the web. Examples of vulnerablities will be explained and countermeasures will be shown. We will give a short introduction of important HTML, PHPand JavaScript functions and thus enable the participants to play the first levels of Google's XSS-Game. People should bring their own device (ie. Laptop/ Smartphone).

    Jeopardy 7:00 PM 7:45 PM

    Social Events 8:00 PM

    BBQ, key-signing and more
  5. Sunday, 05/21/2017
  6. Social Events 12:30 PM

    BBQ, key-signing and more

    Programming Challenge of sIT2017 1:00 PM 6:15 PM

    Take part at the programming challenge! You can compete in teams up to n=3 to compare your programming skills in C++ or Java. It's all about fun and being the best!

    Board games 5:00 PM 8:00 PM

    To gap-close until the programming challenge is finished, card and board games are available.


  1. Saturday, 05/20/2017 1:00 PM 7:00 PM
Docker ist ein Softwareprojekt zur Betriebssystemvirtualisierung und seit ein paar Jahren in der Software-Entwicklung ein Thema, an dem nur die wenige vorbeikommen. Aber was ist das eigentlich? Und viel wichtiger: Wie benutze ich es so, dass es mich auch voran bringt? Diesen und vielen weiteren Fragen wollen wir uns in diesem Hands-On Workshop widmen. Die Gestaltung der Inhalte wird sich stark an den Bedürfnissen und dem Kenntnisstand der Teilnehmer orientieren und ist nicht streng durchgetaktet. Ziel des Workshops ist es, die Teilnehmer von den absoluten Grundlagen bis hin zu einer funktionieren Deployment Pipeline für moderne Software-Projekte zu begleiten und auf dem Weg dorthin viel interessantes aus dem Docker Ökosystem kennenzulernen. Da es ein Hand-On Workshop ist, ist es sinnvoll, ein eigenes Laptop mit installiertem Linux mitzubringen, es gibt Docker auch für Windows und MacOS. Die Teilnehmer die letztere Betriebssysteme benutzen wollen, sollten sich aber darauf einstellen, dass sich ihre Systeme an einigen Stellen etwas merkwürdig verhalten. Besondere Hardware-Anforderungen gibt es nicht, 1GB freien RAM und ein paar Gigabyte freien Plattenplatz sollte das Gerät aber zur Verfügung haben.
Grober Ablauf mit fließenden Übergängen:
  • 13:00-15:00: Praktische Einführung in Docker (Arbeiten mit dem Docker Hub und Erstellen eigener Images)
  • 15:00-17:00: Multi-Host Docker, Docker Networking, Orchestrierung
  • 17:00-19:00: Aufbau einer kompletten Continuous Development/Deployment Pipeline für die Software-Entwicklung